In a dramatic series of events, an Iranian hacker group by the name of Moses Staff published footage of the bombing attack in Jerusalem on its Telegram group. As seen by, Moses Staff claims to have hacked the surveillance cameras belonging to a major Israeli security organization.
Along with the video, there was a Hebrew inscription that said “for a long time we had control over all your activities – step by step, moment by moment.” The video showed the exact moment of the explosion near Jerusalem’s Central Bus Station. Moses Staff also claims that it “formatted the hard drive of the camera.”
However, according to the Times of Israel, authorities have denied that any such camera was hacked. They even denied operating security cameras in the area claiming that “the footage was not taken by a camera belonging to the city.”
The bombing resulted in the death of a 16-year-old boy while at least 18 others were injured. However, this is not the first time Moses Staff has initiated action in what appears to be a war between Iran and Israel in the cyber domain.