Healthcare organizations continue to see escalating numbers of cyber attacks. It is no longer a matter of if your organization will be targeted, but when. What is at stake? Everything. Patient lives are at risk when their medical record data is compromised or encrypted by a ransomware attack.
The privacy and security of patient information is at risk, as is evident from the hundreds of data breaches that make headlines each year. The financial well-being of your organization is at risk, not only from regulatory fines and penalties, but also from legal fees, settlements and the damage to your organization’s reputation. And if you are a C-suite executive or board member, you may also find yourself personally liable for the damages caused by a cyber incident.
In Stop the Cyber Bleeding, cyber risk management expert Bob Chaput cuts through the jargon to provide timely and practical cyber risk management guidance for healthcare organization leaders. Chaput spells out what is at risk, identifies the fundamental questions you need to ask, and provides actionable guidance to help you establish, implement or mature your organization’s enterprise cyber risk management (ECRM) program.
Now is the time to take proactive steps to manage your organization’s cyber risk, in order to protect the safety of your patients, your organization and yourself.