Certification Overview
What is CP-DevSecOps ?
The course is designed to practically learn and implement continuous Security in the DevOps lifecycle (DevSecOps) using open source tools. The program is relevant for anyone on the DevOps team who would like to learn the practical aspects of Continuous Security.
How is it useful ?
The technology industry expects that it needs 1.8 million cyber-security experts by 2022.
CP-DevSecOps is designed to train software professionals with the concepts of Security testing of web applications using myriad of tools.
The training provided by accredited license trainers is completely hands-on covering installation, creation of security testing scripts, automating scans etc. using the features of “Tools of Trade” with ample time given to practice until the concepts are mastered.
This syllabus and hence the training course focus on the most challenging areas for Security testing of web applications in the DevOps scenario using tools like Arachni, Gauntlt, Gauntlt-Docker, Metasploit, ZAP & Burp.
Am I Eligible ?
Anyone having basic experience in Software Development & Testing can go for this certification. It is recommended that participants understand the basics of Agile and DevOps. This program is focussed on the DevOps Security and will not cover the basics of Agile and DevOps.