The land registry website of Cyprus is expected to be fully restored next week after a hack that occurred last Wednesday.
The director of Land Registration, Elikkos Elia, revealed that the website would be gradually restored with IT teams working hard to resolve the problem.
Elia aimed to have one of the first website functions, filing sales documents, restored by Tuesday or Wednesday, followed by other services, such as transfers, mortgages, and liens.
However, more time will be needed to set up the land registration portal to exchange electronic data, and the department is waiting to hear from experts on when that would be feasible.
When asked about the security measures taken by the land registry to avoid such attacks, Elia said they had the same measures as other government departments.
He noted that sometimes “invisible enemies are one step ahead of us” and expressed certainty that the IT department and deputy research ministry would take further steps to improve cybersecurity.
The recent cyber attack has impacted the operations of the land registry, and the restoration of the website’s full functionality is eagerly awaited by the people of Cyprus.
Elia believes that this incident will help cement the Republic of Cyprus for its e-government.
This news comes amid an increase in cyber attacks around the world and highlights the importance of adequate cybersecurity measures for governments and businesses to protect sensitive information.