Ransomware, destructive malware, insider threats, and even honest mistakes present an ongoing threat to organizations that manage data in various forms. Database records and structure, system files, configurations, user files, application code, and customer data are all potential targets of data
corruption and destruction.
A timely, accurate, and thorough detection and response to a loss of data integrity can save an organization time, money, and headaches. While human knowledge and expertise is an essential component of these tasks, the right tools and preparation are essential to minimizing downtime and losses due to data integrity events.
The NCCoE, in collaboration with members of the business community and vendors of cybersecurity solutions, has built an example solution to address these data integrity challenges. This project details methods and potential tool sets that can detect, mitigate, and contain data integrity events in the components of an enterprise network. It also identifies tools and strategies to aid in a security team’s response to such an event.