Ransomware is the fastest-growing malware threat today, and it is rapidly evolving. Ransomware is a type of malicious software, also known as malware. It encrypts a victim’s data until the attacker is paid a predetermined ransom. Typically, the attacker demands payment in a form of cryptocurrency such as bitcoin. Only then will the attacker send a decryption key to release the victim’s data.
The Ransomware Defense Foundation is an entry-level certification intended for IT professionals seeking to validate their knowledge of Ransomware Defense. This exam includes topics such as Ransomware Characteristics, The Evolution of Ransomware, Types of Ransomware (Locker and Crypto), Biggest Ransomware Attacks (CryptoLocker, WannaCry, NotPetya and BadRabbit) The Anatomy of a Ransomware Attack, Ransomware Attack Vectors, Prevention and Protection and Ransomware Defense.
The Ransomware Defense Foundation certification exam is an online, closed book, and remotely proctored exam. It includes 20 multiple-choice questions, and the passing score is 70%. You will have 30 minutes to complete the exam. Validate your knowledge of Ransomware Defense and advance your career. Register for your online exam now!