The purpose of the ITU report Understanding Cybercrime: Phenomena, Challenges and Legal Response is to assist countries in understanding the legal aspects of cybersecurity and to help harmonize legal
As such, the report aims to help developing countries better understand the national and international implications of growing cyberthreats, to assess the requirements of existing national, regional and international instruments, and to assist countries in establishing a sound legal foundation.
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant topics linked to the legal aspects of
cybercrime and focuses on the demands of developing countries. Due to the transnational dimension of
cybercrime, the legal instruments are the same for developing and developed countries.
cybercrime and focuses on the demands of developing countries. Due to the transnational dimension of
cybercrime, the legal instruments are the same for developing and developed countries.
However, the references used were selected for the benefit of developing countries, in addition to a broad selection of resources provided for a more in-depth study of the different topics.
Whenever possible, publicly available sources were used, including many free-of-charge editions of online law journals.